Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Applying Wavelet Analysis to S.M.A.R.T. 1 for Hard Drive Classification 

    Childers, Logan (East Carolina University, 2018-12-07)
    Wavelet analysis is applied to the problem of predicting hard disk failure by examining S.M.A.R.T. stat 1, one of several measures of performance maintained by hard drives. Once the discrete wavelet transform is performed ...
  • Studies on Gopala-Hemachandra Codes and their Applications 

    Childers, Logan (East Carolina University, 2020-11-16)
    Gopala-Hemachandra codes are a variation of the Fibonacci universal code and have applications in data compression and cryptography. We study a specific parameterization of Gopala-Hemachandra codes and present several ...