Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Continuous drawing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in ethanol and agile functionalization through infusion 

    Go, Dongwoo; Takarada, Wataru; Aneja, Arun; Kikutani, Takeshi (2019-01-03)
    To explore the possibility of applying organic-solvent drawing technique to accomplish a process of industrial significance, continuous drawing of as-spun PET fibers in ethanol was performed. The formation of multiple ...
  • Resume, Eulogy, Education and Future 

    Demšar, A; Aneja, Arun (2017-10)
    Will the current trend of the Industrial Age, focused on profits, greed, material wealth, and mass consumption continue? Inequality and polarization, which are seen in today’s world, are ranked as the top drivers of global ...