Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • EphA2-receptor deficiency exacerbates myocardial infarction and reduces survival in hyperglycemic mice 

    DuSablon, Augustin; Kent, Susan D.; Coburn, Anita; Virag, Jitka A. I. (2014-08)
    Background We have previously shown that EphrinA1/EphA expression profile changes in response to myocardial infarction (MI), exogenous EphrinA1-Fc administration following MI positively influences wound healing, and ...
  • EphrinA1-Fc attenuates myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion injury in mice 

    DuSablon, Augustin; Parks, Justin; Whitehurst, K’Shylah; Estes, H. Lynn; Chase, Robert; Vlahos, Eleftherios; Sharma, Uma; Wert, David; Virag, Jitka (2017-12-13)
    EphrinA1, a membrane-bound receptor tyrosine kinase ligand expressed in healthy car- diomyocytes, is lost in injured cells following myocardial infarction. Previously, we have reported that a single intramyocardial injection ...