Now showing items 1-4 of 4

  • Group mutual exclusion in linear time and space 

    He, Yuan; Gopalakrishnan, Krishnan; Gafni, Eli (2018-01)
    We present two algorithms for the Group Mutual Exclusion (GME) Problem that satisfy the properties of Mutual Exclusion, Starvation Freedom, Bounded Exit, Concurrent Entry and First Come First Served. Both our algorithms ...
  • Group Mutual Exclusion in Linear Time and Space 

    He, Yuan (East Carolina University, 2014)
    The Group Mutual Exclusion (GME) problem, introduced by Joung, is a natural extension of the classical Mutual Exclusion problem. In the classical Mutual Exclusion problem, two or more processes are not simultaneously allowed ...
  • Studies on Gopala-Hemachandra Codes and their Applications 

    Childers, Logan (East Carolina University, 2020-11-16)
    Gopala-Hemachandra codes are a variation of the Fibonacci universal code and have applications in data compression and cryptography. We study a specific parameterization of Gopala-Hemachandra codes and present several ...
  • Synchronizing Automata and the Černý Conjecture 

    Masters, Miciah Dashiel Butler (East Carolina University, 2012)
    We provide a survey of research surrounding the Černý conjecture. This conjecture concerns finite-state automata that have the property of being "synchronizing." A synchronizing automaton is one for which there exists ...