Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Kids Run the World SHP 

    Baukema, Abby; Bodine, Jayda; Johnson, Elizabeth; Landry, Andrew; Martin, Elizabeth; Meletiou, Li nnea; Mills, Samantha; Murphy, Sarah; Redick, Lily; Sauls, Merry Landen; Vassallo, Anna; Whitley, McKenzie C.; Wagner, Eric; Creech, Emma; Ragsdale, Hannah B; Kelly, Jake Birindar (East Carolina University, 2022-05-06)
    The Boys & Girls Club services children ages 6 to 18 with programs and activities that emphasize development strategies (BGCA, n.d.). It provides role models, a safe environment, and constructive activities that focus on ...
  • UNC System Smoke-Free Campus Initiative 

    Davis, Rachel; Ferry, Mia Zhen; Norris, Ethan Scott; White, Darby Nicole; Foster, Ally (East Carolina University, 2021-05-28)
    The state of North Carolina is one of the leading producers of tobacco in the United States. As such, the tobacco industry has played a significant role in North Carolina politics for decades. The relationship between big ...