Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • Attitudes, Beliefs, and Responses to Stalking: A Law Enforcement Perspective 

    Banner, Jessica L. (East Carolina University, 2013)
    Approximately 3.4 million adults are stalked annually according to victim surveys, however this is not reflected in law enforcement data of those charged or convicted with stalking. Only 10.3% to 55% of stalking incidents ...
  • Human Trafficking Awareness 

    Overholt, Molly S. (East Carolina University, 2013)
    Little research has been conducted concerning public awareness of human trafficking. The purpose of this study was to investigate awareness of human trafficking, including the accuracy and the source of that knowledge. ...
  • The Influence of Gender Identity and Sex on Perceptions of Relational Stalking 

    Ratajack, Ellen M. (East Carolina University, 2011)
    The purpose of this study was to examine how participant and target gender identity may alter perceptions of relational stalking. Gender roles and schemas may help to shape perceptions of stalking and thus change how ...
  • The role of relationship phase and stalking myths on perception of stalking 

    Ervin, Martha (2015-05-29)
    Intimate partner violence (IPV) myths draw the following conclusions: the victim is blamed, the perpetrator is exonerated, and the situation is minimized (Lonsway, Cortina, & Magley, 2008; Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, ...
  • University Students' Perceptions of Stalking : A Mock Law Enforcement Study 

    Montaquila, Julian M. (East Carolina University, 2011)
    This study examined how students from a large southeastern university in the U.S. (N = 177) placed in the position of a law enforcement officer judged hypothetical stalking scenarios. Utilizing a 2 x 2 independent groups ...