Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • A Collective: Working Towards a Better Place 

    McLelland, Heather L
    This body of work, A Collective: Working Towards a Better Place, is comprised of points along my timeline that embody the way I have come to connect with people face to face. I realized these connections are important for ...
  • The Importance of Duck Hunting: Making Connections 

    Johnson, Madison (East Carolina University, 2022-04-21)
    My work shines a light on the values of hunt-to-table while also showing the many connections made. Hunting is knowing where your meat comes from, the importance of local, sustainable, and ecologically conscious meat, and ...
  • With Salivating Tongues We Gaze Lustingly At Sugar, Salt, And Fat 

    Watts, Amber D (East Carolina University, 2016-05-03)
    This is a report of a thesis to complete the Master of Fine Arts Degree at East Carolina University. The body of work presented is the result of research and creative activity which addresses a number of food-related issues. ...