Ivany, StephenMatson, Ty Christian2018-07-112018-07-112018-052018-05-24May 2018http://hdl.handle.net/10342/6855This Senior Honors Project is entitled “Ty Matson: Senior Recital, Trombone.” The author of the project is Ty Matson. The Senior Honors Project was the preparation and performance of my senior trombone recital, with program notes to accompany the traditional program list of pieces. The trombone recital was comprised of seven pieces of varied styles, musical eras, and composers. The program notes that were distributed in addition to the program consisted of background information on the composers as well as the compositions themselves. The recital, not including intermission, lasted approximately 47 minutes.application/pdfTromboneMusicTy Matson: Senior Recital, TromboneHonors Creative Endeavor2018-07-03