Walcott, Christy M.Bostian, Amanda2011-06-242013-07-012011http://hdl.handle.net/10342/3527Previous research has linked inattention with reading problems. Moreover, children with combined reading and attention problems have significantly worse later academic outcomes. Few studies have focused on the effectiveness of computer-assisted interventions for children with reading and attention problems. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a computerized early literacy intervention on the on-task behavior and oral reading fluency of three second-graders with teacher- and parent-rated attention problems. A multiple baseline design across participants was utilized in order to examine the intervention effectiveness. Results suggest that the Earobics intervention was effective in increasing oral reading fluency and on-task behavior across participants, providing additional evidence to suggest the intervention is effective for increasing reading fluency as well as attention to literacy instruction via computer-assisted program. Limitations and implications of the findings are presented. 62 p.dissertations, academicPsychologyEducational psychologyADHDAttentionCAIComputer programsInterventionsSchool ageAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderAttention-deficit-disordered children--Behavior modification--United StatesSchool children--United StatesReading (Elementary)--United StatesLiteracy--United StatesComputer-assisted instruction--United StatesEffects of a Computer Assisted Intervention in Second Graders with Attention and Literacy ProblemsMaster's Thesis