Reardon, R. MartinSmith, Bettie Jeanne2014-08-282014-08-282014 study examined school culture as identified through NC teachers' responses to questions regarding school leadership's sustained effort to address teachers' concerns about leadership issues, facilities and resources, the use of time in the school, professional development, teacher leadership, community support and involvement, managing student conduct, instructional practices and support, and new teacher support on the 2012 NC Teachers Working Conditions Survey. Teachers responded using a Likert-style scale and were clustered into Leadership Perception Groups (LPGs) that paralleled the Likert scale responses. Quantitative methods were used to determine the significance of association between the LPGs and the 2012 reading and math achievement data for third through eighth grade NC students. Percentage of proficiency was the student achievement measure.    Findings revealed significance in about half of the grade and subject groups. The LPG characterized by negative responses most consistently associated with student achievement in reading and math at all grade levels. Results suggest that the association between negative culture and student achievement is an important area for further study.   The findings from this study suggest three interpretations. First, teachers' perceptions regarding whether their school leadership addresses their concerns is a strong indicator of the culture of the school. Second, teachers' effectiveness is impacted by their administrators' reaction to their concerns. Finally, the concentration of teachers that is satisfied or dissatisfied with their school leadership is associated with student achievement significantly. The implications for cultural leadership are discussed.  163 p.dissertations, academicElementary school teachers--AttitudesElementary school teachers--Job satisfactionAcademic achievementEducational leadershipTHE EFFECT OF SCHOOL CULTURE ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTDoctoral Dissertation