Christensen, TimBlevins, Erin Morgann2021-05-082021-05-082020-122021-04-23December 2 explores all of the different aspects that were learned while creating this project. We discuss the honors classes individually and the process that was taken to complete this project. We discuss the pivots that we had during this project and how we learned from them. Along with the challenges that were faced and how they were overcome. We elaborate on what the major takeaways and outcomes that have come out of this process. Including the data collection and data that was used to help improve our project. We discuss the impact that the project created on all of the members and parts that are involved in the organization. My individual contributions were mentioned, along with the success and failures that we experienced along the way.application/pdfMentoring programcreating organizationcommunity involvementSignature Honors Project- Building Buddies- Erin BlevinsHonors Thesis2021-04-23