Egan, MatthewHutchinson, Katya Lee2022-06-092022-06-092022-052022-04-22May 2022 Ideations is a series of intaglio etchings exploring personal anxieties around global and systemic crises. Visualized as a series of escapist fantasies, each print represents a theme which is explored using representative objects staged throughout the scene. In the tradition of classic printmakers like Max Klinger, Bertha Lum, Mary Cassatt and Francisco Goya, this series of prints is contemplative and critical. With an emphasis on environmental and social issues, Escapist Ideations focuses on the role of the passive participant in a climate of reckoning and realization. Executed through traditional printmaking processes, the series is built upon an amalgam of influences from science fiction literature and film, and visually influenced by traditions of classicism. Escapist Ideations reflects a contemporary take on both fiction and process.application/pdfenPrintmakingIntaglioEtchingEscapismScience FictionFantasyDreamingSymbolismSurrealismContemporary ArtAquatintMax KlingerBertha LumMary CassatKiki SmithFeminismLiteratureFilmGoyaLos CaprichosDaydreamingConsumerismMaterialismCapitalismLegacyIndustrialismPassive ParticipantDecadentSymbolist ArtWaterWarfareRacismSystemic InequalityDiversityLand RightsAnimal Rights, Human RightsSocial problems in artEnvironmentalism in artCrises--ArtAnxiety in artEscapist ideationsMaster's Thesis2022-06-07