Tucker-McLaughlin, MaryLi, Andrew Tian2019-06-182019-06-182019-052019-05-03May 2019http://hdl.handle.net/10342/7305If one compares literature to film, traditional storytelling is almost identical in both mediums. Protagonist is introduced, gains some companions, goes on a quest, slays the dragon, and saves the princess. And while non-traditional storytelling- namely, poetry and embroidery- is universally accepted and admired within art, its film equivalent has not found the same mainstream respect or recognition. Concurrently, the stories of people of color- their hardships, their humanity, their dreams- have only recently been welcome into the mainstream of storytelling. In my project, I hope to bring these two often ignored topics and marry them into a piece of work that does justice to both mediums.application/pdfPoetry filmtextile artsracial oppressionThe Anger and Anxieties of the Asian and African Diaspora as Explored Through Poetry Film and Textile ArtsHonors Creative Endeavor2019-06-14