Edwards, RobertMartin, Tara2021-06-292021-06-292021-052021-05-28May 2021http://hdl.handle.net/10342/9180During Spring semester of 2020 and again Fall semester of 2020, two separate surveys were administered online to a random sample of ECU students focusing on their experiences with the school’s transition online. That data was analyzed, and a report was written up examining the academic, financial, and domestic stressors faced by students. It investigated the experiences of students by gender, race, and political party differences. The second half of the project focused on rental and housing issues students faced as a result of the pandemic. Virtual interviews were conducted between students of the Sociology 3213 Research Methods course. The aim was to gain a qualitative view into the gender, racial, and economic status differences in rental and housing-related issues stemming from the pandemic.application/pdfCoronavirus, Student Sucess, EducationUnderstanding the Impact of Coronavirus on Student Housing, Health, and SuccessHonors Thesis2021-06-18