Liles, DarlaBadawy, Sherif M.Abebe, Kaleab Z.Reichman, Charlotte A.Checo, GraceHamm, Megan E.Stinson, JenniferLalloo, ChitraCarroll, PatrickSaraf, Santosh L.Gordeuk, Victor R.Desai, PayalShah, NirmishTrimnell, CassandraJonassaint, Charles R.2022-09-092022-09-0920211929-0748 cell anemiapaindepressionComparing the Effectiveness of Education Versus Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: Protocol for the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Real-time Pain Management Intervention for Sickle Cell via Mobile Applications (CaRISMA) StudyArticle10.2196/29014