Hattingh, Johannes H.Clifton, Ann Wells2013-01-152013-01-152013http://hdl.handle.net/10342/4073The irredundant Ramsey number, s(m,n), is the smallest p such that in every two-coloring of the edges of K[subscript]p using colors red (R) and blue (B), either the blue subgraph contains an m-element irredundant set or the red subgraph contains an n-element irredundant set. The mixed irredundant Ramsey number, t(m,n), is the smallest number p such that in every two-coloring of the edges of K[subscript]p using colors red (R) and blue (B), either the blue subgraph contains an m-element irredundant set or the red subgraph contains an n-element independent set. This thesis provides all known results for irredundant and mixed Ramsey numbers.  63 p.dissertations, academicMathematicsIrredundantMixedRamsey numbersIrredundant and Mixed Ramsey NumbersMaster's Thesis