Rastatter, Michael P.Kalinowski, Joseph StanleyStuart, Andrew2008-09-102009-08-072011-05-172008-09-102009-08-072011-05-171999-10-05http://hdl.handle.net/10342/1110A device and method for ameliorating stuttering by providing an altered auditory feedback by employing a compact device configured for positioning in or adjacent the ear canal of an individual. The portable, self-contained device can be used on a chronic basis and includes a receiver for receiving auditory signals, an auditory delay and or frequency shift circuit, and a transmitter for transmitting the altered signal to the individual user.12 p.Stuttering--Treatment--PatentsAudiology--Instruments--PatentsStuttering--therapyTherapeutic device to ameliorate stutteringUnited States patent 5,961,443Patent