Quick, LindaHull, Rachel2020-08-302020-08-302019-122019-12-11December 2http://hdl.handle.net/10342/8675The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam is a high-stakes certification test that many accountants take. According to American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, it has a pass rate of 50%, lower than many other professional exams. To combat this low pass rate, people need to know the most effective way to study, whether it is a directed study program, CPA review course, independent verses group study, practice problems, notes, or flashcards. I gave a survey to 60 CPA exam takers to determine which methods they used. I hypothesized that a directed study program would be the most effective method because it holds people accountable. However, based on preliminary data collected from 60 participant, the most effective methods were CPA review course and practice problems. Although this research focuses on the CPA exam, it can help all high-stakes test takers improve their scores.application/pdfCPA examaccountinghigh-stakes testsstudy methodsThe Most Effective Study Methods for High-Stakes Tests: The CPA ExamHonors Thesis2020-08-28