Bova, KenMcFadyen, Barbara2017-05-312017-05-312017-052017-05-03May 2017 beauty of nature and the experience of awe that it evokes can serve to remind us of our place in the world. This thesis examines that beauty, love and loss, remembering, and finding solace through reflections of the past. Using references from mourning and sentimental jewelry, and 18th century eye miniatures, the objects that I create become a portal to the past and provide a feeling of protection. The silhouette becomes a tracery of the individual and experience; the gaze creates a sacred realm. Whether exploring the format of the book or the wearable object, I am able to find respite and carry a treasured memory and that person with me.application/pdfenJewelrySentimental Jewelry18th Century Eye MiniaturesGazeBeautyBook ArtsVictorianGeorgianRememberingNostalgia in artNature in artMemento moriMourning jewelryMetal-workANAMNESISMaster's Thesis2017-05-30