Baugh, EboniAlmond, Lindsey2018-05-252018-05-252018-052018-05-02May 2018 study was conducted to understand how parenting efficacy and the co-parenting relationship are influenced by the adapted Together We Can relationship program. Researchers were interested in determining how socioeconomic status and race impact outcomes. Researchers sampled 26 Caucasian and African American individuals. Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory and the spillover hypothesis assist with understanding how the participant's environments have impacted their current relationship and parenting practices, as well as explain the program's results. Statistically significant differences were found between pre and posttests. Further analyses showed racial and socioeconomic differences. As society continues to form increased romantic relationships and parenting systems, relationship education programs should be evaluated with varied populations.application/pdfenRelationshipminorityTogether We CanEcological theoryspillover hypothesisParenting, Part-timeParent and childSocial statusChild developmentTogether We Can: Increase Couple Functioning for Low-SES FamiliesMaster's Thesis2018-05-23