Given, JohnRassau, Jessica2015-05-082015-05-082015-05cc John Stevens Department of Foreign Languages and LiteraturesThe Battle of Thermopylae produced unique circumstances that required King Leonidas of Sparta to make a series of controversial decisions. Scholars debate what purpose it served for him to cling to his position when it had apparently become untenable.An explanation lies in the strictly controlled militarized society and structured social system in which Leonidas was raised. He participated in the unique educational system of Sparta called the agōgē that had practices dedicated to the development of elite warriors. The unique practices of the agōgē were extremely successful in developing a belief system for the participants which they would maintain throughout life and which would affect all of their decisions.Leonidas, King of Sparta, -480 B.C.Sparta (Extinct city)Spartan educationAgogeLeadershipThermopylae (Greece)THE TRAINING AND DECISIONS OF KING LEONIDAS: THE INFLUENCES BEHIND THE LEADERHonors Thesis