Vinson, KrystleJackson, Gillian2022-04-262022-04-262022-04-21 paper reviews the analysis of telehealth utilization during the emergency use period of the COVID-19 pandemic at a federally qualified health center (FQHC) located in a rural setting. An element of the center’s strategic plan was to increase virtual visit options for patients with diabetes. The analysis served as a basis for developing a telehealth algorithm and policy recommendations related to providing care for patients with diabetes. The project leader used a policy analysis approach to collect qualitative data from surveys, interviews, a modified windshield survey, and diabetes workgroup participation. Barriers to continued telehealth utilization were consistent with pre-pandemic obstacles found in the literature. The barriers were considered and addressed by integrating alternative visit types in the algorithm and policy ideas. Access to broadband in rural areas, patient selection, and training in telehealth are relevant barriers. The algorithm includes a patient selection tool and innovative types of visits, including virtual pharmacy education. The findings and algorithm may be helpful for other similar sites looking to augment traditional face-to-face care with virtual options.en-UStelehealth, diabetes, rural, COVID-19, FQHCDeveloping an Integrated Telehealth Algorithm for Diabetes ManagementDNP Scholarly Project