Tisnado, JimBreitinger, Rachel Leah2022-07-192022-07-192021-122022-05-06December 2http://hdl.handle.net/10342/10815I don’t know what the future holds for me. I don’t know where I‘m headed, what I will do, or even what I want out of this life. My life, much like my artwork, is highly influenced by my setting and by those surrounding me. I am learning how to let plans “fail” in order for other opportunities to succeed, and to let go of knowing what is to come in the future. This body of artwork is a practice in relinquishing control over the outcome, and accepting the influence of my environment and my past. Before these objects were pulled from the groundhog kiln at Luck’s Ware in Seagrove, NC, I had very little idea of what they would look like. Using a new clay body, a new studio practice, and an untested slip recipe for surface decoration, I am letting go of the expectation of knowing what is to come.application/pdfCeramics, Pottery, Seagrove, ClayInto the Fire!Honors Creative Endeavor2022-07-12