Munde, GailChirico, Jessica, L.2014-08-062015-08-062014 nature of the public library is evolving with the continuous rise of new technologies. The purpose of this research is to analyze the current usage of new technologies in the Sheppard Memorial public library system in Pitt County, North Carolina, and evaluate how the library can use Internet-related services and new technologies to improve ties with the community and accommodate the evolving needs of patrons. The study consists of a literature review examining services and technologies used by public libraries and an awareness and usage assessment survey of users of the Sheppard Memorial Library and its branches. The survey assesses how well the library has communicated the Internet-related services and new technologies that it offers to its patrons and how they in turn take advantage of the services offered. By analyzing the data, the research allows for conclusions to be formed on how much patrons are taking advantage of provided technology resources and whether revision is needed on the library's part.24 p.Public librariesSurveysTechnologyNew Technologies in the Public LibraryUndergraduate Thesis