Lorenzo Dominguez, Javier2020-04-212020-04-212017http://hdl.handle.net/10342/8268In his play Los guanches de Tenerife Lope de Vega resorts to one of the emblems included in his friend Hernando de Soto’s Emblemas moralizadas (1599) to dramatize the encounter between Guanches and Spaniards and to represent the attraction and fear felt by the latter as they explore the new realities of Tenerife. The ideological agenda espoused by the play and the idyllic setting chosen to dramatize the clash of cultures made Lope significantly alter the misogynistic message contained in Soto’s emblem.Una adelfa en tierras extrañas emblemática y misoginia en la "Comedia famosa de los guanches de Tenerife y conquista de CanariaArticle10.5565/rev/anuariolopedevega.163