Craven, KayKolasa, KathrynSmith, BrittanyKramer, ShiannMcClenahan, AlexMorcos, MarinaMcCloskey, AshleySurles, SharonOverby, CarrieFirnhaber, JonathonWatson, RickyDunn, Carolyn Kusbit2022-09-072022-09-072022-02Craven K, Kolasa KM, Smith B, Kramer S, McClenahan A, Morcos M, McCloskey A, Surles S, Overby C, Firnhaber J, Watson R, and Dunn C. The Mediterranean Way of Eating at three USDA cost levels: A Culinary Medicine Workshop for Family Medicine Residents and Culinary Arts Students. Department of Family Medicine, East Carolina University, 2022. to implementation of culinary medicine in resident training include lack of facilities, administrative support, and community engagement. This guide describes how ECU Family Medicine met those challenges to present a half-day workshop focused on the Mediterranean Style of Eating at USDA’s low, moderate, and liberal cost food budgets. This activity was designed to also meet ACGME expectations that residents receive training in cultural humility and cultural competence. Family Medicine residents teamed with high school culinary arts students. Sufficient details are provided so other programs could implement or adapt this workshop to their setting. Pre- and post-assessment tools, recipes, equipment and supply lists, pre-workshop readings and more are included. Faculty physicians and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Family Medicine Residents, and others were involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the workshop. The workshop received positive response from all attendees. This submission includes a 73-page Facilitator Guide, which provides the learning objectives, details for obtaining facilities, funding, pre- and post-workshop assessment tools, preliminary work required for Family Medicine Residents and high school culinary students, educational handouts, recipes with nutrient analysis and costs, review of literature on culinary medicine curricula and references.73en-USThe Mediterranean DietCulinary MedicineCulinary Medicine WorkshopHealthy eatingFacilitator guideResident training with community engagementcultural humilitycultural competencyUSDA Food BudgetThe Mediterranean way of eating at three USDA cost levels: A culinary medicine workshop for Family Medicine residents and culinary arts students - Facilitator GuideOther Scholarly Work