Durant, David M.Horava, Tony2014-12-012014-12-012014-11-07Presentation at the 34th Annual Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisitions, Charleston, SC, November 7, 2014.http://hdl.handle.net/10342/4592The rise of the ebook is raising fundamental questions around the dynamics and habits of reading, and a perennial question - the importance of books in the academic library. Print and digital texts foster different styles of reading and different ways of thinking and of doing research. There are major cultural implications of the ubiquity of e-reading. Is it important to maintain hybrid collections that support the full range of reading and learning styles? What should be the role of librarians in addressing the complex realities of reading in a society deluged with information and multiple media 24/7? What does this mean for understanding print and digital cultures? This presentation will examine various implications of the shift from print to digital reading and how academic libraries in particular should respond.en-USAcademic librariesLiteracyThe Future of Reading and Academic LibrariesPresentation