Riley-Tillman, T. ChrisAmon, Jessica2011-06-242013-07-012011 study was designed to examine the perceived usage of Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) among school psychologists through acceptability, feasibility, understanding and system support. In addition, specific preferences of DBR (e.g. types of behavior to rate, length of observation and appropriate rater) were examined. DBR tools involve rating defined student behaviors following a specified observation period. One critical assumption of the DBR is that School Psychologist and teachers view it as acceptable and are oriented towards using it. A review of the literature suggested that acceptability, feasibility, understanding and support from the system should be considered when determining the perceived usage of an intervention. Participants included a sample of 82 members of the National Association of School Psychologists. The participants were mailed a survey packet that included (a) cover letter explaining the study and inviting them to participate in the study, (b) demographic questionnaire, (c) questionnaire about previous DBR experience, (d) a brief description of DBR including a case study, (e) a preference assessment and (f) the Usage Rating Profile for Assessments (URP-A). The preference assessment asked participants to select specific parts and procedures of the DBR that they preferred (e.g. type/severity of problem to rate). Results indicated that participants reported the DBR to be an acceptable and feasible assessment tool. In addition, they reported that they understood the   procedures of DBR and that they would require the support of their system, including co-workers. Overall, scores indicated that the participants perceived DBR as a usable tool for conducting behavior assessments. Results of the preference assessment were analyzed and compared with the previous preference assessment studies. Overall, results were consistent with the previous studies.  72 p.dissertations, academicPsychologyBehavioral assessment of children--EvaluationSchool psychologistsACCEPTABILITY, PERCEIVED USAGE AND PREFERENCE OF DIRECT BEHAVIOR RATINGS (DBR) AMONG SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTSMaster's Thesis