Allen, Thomas RichardCarey, Matthew2013-08-242013-08-242013 erosion and associated land loss are major concerns for coastal land owners and resource managers. Traditional methods of shoreline stabilization using permanent, hard structures can have adverse environmental impacts. Living shorelines offer an alternative to these traditional methods and sometimes provide additional benefits to the surrounding environment. This study examines the suitability for living shorelines in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES) by creating and testing spatial modeling for living shorelines using suitability indices. The results of this modeling show that the majority of the shoreline in the APES is suitable for living shorelines.  94 p.dissertations, academicGeographic information sciencesEnvironmental studiesGeographyAlbemarle-Pamlico estuarine systemErosionGISShorelinesGeodesyShore protection--North Carolina--Albemarle SoundShore protection--North Carolina--Pamlico SoundBeach erosion--North Carolina--Albemarle SoundBeach erosion--North Carolina--Pamlico SoundAlbemarle Sound (N.C.)Pamlico Sound (N.C.)Modeling Site Suitability of Living Shorelines in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine SystemMaster's Thesis