Knight, Sharon M.Mulvihill, Catherine Michelle Royal2014-01-282014-01-282013 qualitative study addressed the research question, what are the perspectives and experiences related to breast cancer and breast cancer screening of African American women residing in rural eastern North Carolina? A literature review indicated little research related to the perceptions and experiences of rural African American women about breast cancer and breast cancer screening. In a previously conducted unpublished larger study (Burke, Barrett, & Cherry, 2009), the perspectives of women from rural North Carolina about breast cancer and breast cancer screening were collected by means of focus group interviews. The researcher in the present study conducted a qualitative analysis of data from a sub-set of focus group interviews that involved African American women. A qualitative approach in this study afforded an opportunity to gain insight into African American women's experiences and views regarding breast cancer and breast cancer screening. The researcher analyzed transcripts from three focus group interviews that involved 17 African American women residing in rural eastern North Carolina. Five themes that emerged from the data were: knowledge and beliefs about breast cancer, influences on breast cancer screening behaviors, personal experience with screening, emotional reactions to discussing breast cancer and breast cancer screening, and promoting breast cancer screening. Key findings related to these emergent themes included a self-perceived low level of knowledge about breast cancer, cultural views about various causes of breast cancer, perspectives about mammograms, perceived barriers to breast cancer screening, the influence of faith on breast cancer and breast cancer screening, personal experiences with breast cancer screening, fear as a commonly shared reaction to breast cancer and breast cancer screening, and best practices for promoting breast cancer awareness and education. The researcher identified a need for future research on the topic of minority health in rural populations, specifically around breast cancer screenings and preventive health. An analysis of a sub-set of qualitative data provided by African American women and a comparison of findings with the research literature led the researcher to recommend that tailored health education be provided African American women on the topic of breast cancer and breast cancer screening.116 p.dissertations, academicHealth educationAfrican American womenBreast cancer screeningExperiencesPerceptionsBreast--Cancer--North CarolinaAfrican American women--Health and hygiene--North CarolinaRural African Americans--North CarolinaAFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN'S PERCEPTIONS, EXPERIENCES, AND MEANING ASSOCIATED WITH BREAST CANCER SCREENING IN RURAL EASTERN NORTH CAROLINAMaster's Thesis