McKinnon, Jennifer F.Price, Melissa Rae2016-01-142016-01-141/13/16 thesis examines the impacts of treasure salvors and looters on the Pillar Dollar Wreck (site # BISC00035) in Biscayne Bay, Florida, and explores three comparative shipwrecks from the 1733 fleet, El Populo, San JoseĢ€, and San Pedro, which wrecked off the coast of Florida and were likely from a similar time period as the Pillar Dollar Wreck. The intention of this thesis is to develop a methodology for measuring the effects of cultural impacts, particularly treasure salvage and looting, on Spanish colonial shipwreck sites in the Florida Keys. There is no current basis for quantifying such effects. Further, this thesis presents the first focus on the history of the Florida Exploration and Salvage (now Recovery) Program. The information presented in this thesis is used to identify what was learned from treasure salvor endeavors on Spanish colonial shipwreck sites in the Florida Keys and examine what an academic investigation of the treasure salvor industry can reveal about what is lost or gained through commercial exploitation of Spanish colonial shipwrecks in the Florida Keys by treasure salvors. Site formation process studies provide the theoretical framework upon which this thesis is founded, creating an understanding of the processes that created and altered the four shipwreck sites. This study adds to the database of knowledge about site formation processes on Spanish colonial shipwrecks in the Florida Keys. Finally, cultural heritage management is a relevant topic that is currently at the forefront of maritime archaeology. This thesis contributes to the database of information concerning protection of sites and specifically explores management issues related to treasure salvage of Spanish colonial shipwrecks in the Florida Keys.285 p.dissertations, academicHistoryArchaeologyEthics1733 Spanish fleetFlorida KeysPillar Dollar WreckSpanish colonial shipwrecksTreasure salvageUnderwater cultural heritageSalvageShipwrecks--FloridaHistoric ships--SpainUnderwater archaeology--FloridaIntellectual Treasure Hunting: Measuring Effects of Treasure Salvors on Spanish Colonial Shipwreck SitesMaster's Thesis