Trujillo, LeonardArmstrong, Lauren2015-02-022015-02-022014 study examined the concurrent validity of the electronic version of the Motor Free Visual Perception Test Third Edition (MVPT-3). The purpose of the study was to determine whether the electronic MVPT-3 was valid for use with school-aged children. A counter-balanced correlational design was used and the subjects were 33 school aged children (4-10 years old) recruited from 4 daycare centers and after school programs within eastern North Carolina. The data were analyzed using SPSS to calculate a single tailed Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to compare the score from the first administration of the test to the second score. A high correlation was expected between the electronic version and the paper version of the MCPT-3. The electronic version of the MVPT-3 was found to possess clinically acceptable concurrent validity with a correlation coefficient of r =.69 and thus could be an appropriate screening tool to be used by professionals working with children in a variety of settings. During data analysis, learning effects were revealed for certain items on the MVPT-3 which along with its low reliability in the current paper version, supports that the MVPT-3 should not be used for diagnostic purposes or to demonstrate change over time and it is recommend that it be used a screening tool only.63 p.dissertations, academicOccupational TherapyElectronicMVPT-3School-agedLearning Disorders--physiopathologyVisual Perception--physiologyMass Screening--methodsOccupational Therapy--methodsReproducibility of ResultsChild, Preschool--North CarolinaChild--North CarolinaConcurrent validity of the paper and electronic versions of the motor-free visual perception test 3rd edition (MVPT-3) for school-aged children.Master's Thesis