Agrawal, SChanley, MWestbrook, DNie, XKiato, TGuess, ABenndorf, R.Hidalgo, GSmoyer, W2020-04-032020-04-032016-05 are the primary therapy for nephrotic syndrome (NS), but have serious side effects and are ineffective in ~20-50% of patients. Thiazolidinediones have recently been suggested to be renoprotective, and to modulate podocyte glucocorticoid-mediated nuclear receptor signaling. We hypothesized that thiazolidinediones could enhance glucocorticoid efficacy in NS. We found that puromycin aminonucleoside-induced proteinuria in rats was significantly reduced by both high-dose glucocorticoids (79%) and pioglitazone (61%), but not low-dose glucocorticoids (25%). Remarkably, pioglitazone + low-dose glucocorticoids also reduced proteinuria (63%) comparably to high-dose glucocorticoids, whereas pioglitazone + high-dose glucocorticoids reduced proteinuria to almost control levels (97%). Molecular analysis revealed that both glucocorticoids and pioglitazone enhanced glomerular synaptopodin and nephrin expression, and reduced COX-2 expression, after injury. Furthermore, the glomerular phosphorylation of glucocorticoid receptor and Akt, but not PPARĪ³, correlated with treatment-induced reductions in proteinuria. Notably, clinical translation of these findings to a child with refractory NS by the addition of pioglitazone to the treatment correlated with marked reductions in both proteinuria (80%) and overall immunosuppression (64%). These findings together suggest that repurposing pioglitazone could potentially enhance the proteinuria-reducing effects of glucocorticoids during NS treatment.Pioglitazone Enhances the Beneficial Effects of Glucocorticoids in Experimental Nephrotic SyndromeArticle10.1038/srep24392