Smith, BrittanyKolasa, KathrynCraven, Kay2022-02-102022-02-102022-01Smith B, Kolasa KM, Craven K. The Mediterranean Diet and 6 Tips to Make your Eating Pattern more Mediterranean. Patient education handout. Department of Family Medicine, Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, 2022. 2-sided handout was designed to help patients, clients, and providers understand the Mediterranean approach to eating which has been associated with health benefits like reduced risk of heart diseases, metabolic diseases, and cognitive diseases. The frontside of this handout uses the plate method to help users visualize the correct type, frequency, and proportion of foods that are included in a Mediterranean style of eating. The backside of this handout offers 6 tips to help users make their own eating pattern more like a Mediterranean approach to eating, like increasing intake of fruits and vegetables, choosing more whole grains, and changing the type of fat and protein in their diet.2en-USThe Mediterranean DietHealthy eatingPatient nutrition educationThe Mediterranean Diet patient handoutOther Scholarly Work