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The Ethnic Bildungsroman

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Elliott, Loretta Johnson

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East Carolina University


This thesis will compare coming-of-age narratives by writers from three different ethnic groups, Mexican American, Native American, and Asian American: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros; The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Sherman Alexie; and American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang. The purpose of this study is to analyze three coming-of-age novels using the definition of bildungsroman as an analytic tool. This analysis will enable me to determine the existence and characteristics of the ethnic bildungsroman and how it differs from the original genre. For modern teenagers growing into adulthood and dealing with completely different issues from those faced by traditional bildungsroman protagonists, a new genre such as ethnic bildungsroman is necessary. The ethnic teens face additional challenges, such as dual identity, financial instability, stereotypes, and racism. Not only do the ethnic protagonists succeed and build connections, but they also come back to the community and try to inspire others as well.

