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An Evaluation of Assessment Center Exercise Order Effects

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Knebel, Randy J.

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East Carolina University


This study investigated the effects of assessment center (AC) exercise order presentation on dimension performance ratings. Although limited, previous research on this matter has led to the conclusion that the effects of exercise order presentation on post-exercise dimension ratings (PEDRs) were of little concern. Using data collected from a developmental AC, the authors examined mean differences in PEDRs based on the presentation order of different exercises - two one-on-one role-play exercises and a leaderless group discussion. Overall, significant mean differences in PEDRs were found to exist in a pattern that was supportive of a priori expectations based on priming theory. Effect size estimates of the differences in PEDRs ranged from small to large and are provided along with the proportion of variance in PEDRs explained by exercise order arrangement. Implications of the results on the assessment center validity paradox and overall assessment center functioning are discussed along with potential limitations and suggestions for future research.


