Developing Substance Misuse Educational Outreach for North Carolina’s Agricultural Population

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Lawson, Melissa

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This paper reviews the creation, implementation, and analysis of a substance misuse educational outreach program directed toward North Carolina’s agricultural population. The North Carolina Agromedicine Institute (NCAI) identified the need to develop an educational program related to this topic as the opioid epidemic disproportionately affects the rural population and few resources are dedicated to improving this inequality. To address this deficit, the project leader created PowerPoint presentations, pocket-sized handouts, and educational handouts related to substance misuse disorder. These resources were presented and distributed to the agricultural population at formal conferences and virtual meetings. Surveys provided before and after implementation of the educational outreach project assessed knowledge of substance use disorder. As a result of the project’s implementation, many participants reported increased comfort defining the disease, recognizing the signs and symptoms, identifying methods for prevention, and providing resources for those struggling with substance misuse disorder. This project exhibited how a brief intervention can improve a disadvantaged community's understanding of a disease process that directly affects their lives. Further investment in this community is needed to work towards creating improved health outcomes.



Lawson, M.J. (2022). Developing Substance Misuse Educational Outreach for North Carolina’s Agricultural Population. [Doctor of Nursing Practice Project, East Carolina University College of Nursing]. The ScholarShip. End Citation: (Lawson, 2022). Narrative Citation: Lawson (2022)