Now showing items 1-15 of 15

  • Alzheimer’s Care: Getting Better 

    Pate, Jenna (2015)
    As I was growing up, I still remember going to my grandparents’ house every day after elementary school and eating orange sherbet, riding bikes around the neighborhood, and going to the library to get books to read. I ...
  • Dethroning the Kings of Cape Fear: Consequences of Edward Moseley’s Surveys 

    Brooks, Baylus C. (2011)
    There remains a veil of romanticism used in past historiography concerning Edward Moseley that leaves one feeling that he was, as D.H. Hill said, “always on the side of the people.” Arguably, this romanticism has permeated ...
  • The Effects of Text Messaging on Students’ Literacy. 

    Campbell, Ashley (2014)
    Texting has become any every day task that many teenagers engage in on a day to day basis. Many of those text messages that are sent often contain textisms. The use of textisms is starting to become more accepted among the ...
  • Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance: MRSA 

    Stout, Sarah (2014)
    Antibiotics once cured infectious diseases that were before deadly and incurable. Though this was an incredible medical breakthrough, only a few years later antibiotic resistance emerged and became another medical problem ...
  • The Emergence of the Crop-Lien System in Eastern North Carolina 

    O'Neal, William (2010)
    The slave-plantation system was clearly evil and a war was fought to end it. The Reconstruction period was a half hearted attempt to institute reforms in former slave states. Regionally and locally the former slave-owners ...
  • Favorable Winds: Robert Morgan & The Circumstances of the 1974 Election Year 

    Stroud, James C. (2024-05)
    The election year of 1974 was fraught with drama and controversy, and it was not standard fare. While the predictable cycle of congressional midterms churned through their own campaign surprises, the entire nation was ...
  • Joseph McCarthy: The Face of the Red Scare 

    Jones, Melissa Lauren (2009)
    The Red Scare during the 1950’s was one of the most traumatic periods of American history. The decade would later be known as the “Era of McCarthyism” because of a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy ...
  • Justice Deferred: Antidumping Legislation in the Robert Morgan Collection 

    White, Elise J. (2024-05)
    The Robert Morgan papers provide detailed insight into the forming of H.R.8149, the Customs Procedural Reform and Simplification Act of 1978, and the events that led to its creation. This project examines Robert Morgan’s ...
  • Land of the Free – Why not ‘Sea of the Free?' 

    Miller, Kimberly (2014)
    Commercial whaling has become an increasing problem in countries such as Norway, Iceland, and Japan. Since the placement of the moratorium by the International Whaling Commission in 1986, countries have been required to ...
  • Lucy Cherry Crisp: 20th Century Art Practice 

    Beard, Alisha (2011)
    Modern art has a tendency to confuse viewers, appearing significant only to those privy to its ethereal meaning. For as long as the general public has felt oppressed by its abstractions, there have been professionals ...
  • A New Voice: The Undiscovered Histories of the Frederick C. Douglass Ledgers 

    Kempfer, Jacqueline (2011)
    Frederick C. Douglass, an African American lawyer in late 19th century Eastern North Carolina, kept meticulous records of his Union Soldier pension applicants’ claims. These records included the personal testimonies of ...
  • Pearl Harbor: First Hand Accounts of December 7, 1941 

    Brown, William H. (2010)
    On the morning of December 7, 1941, the naval and aerial forces of the Japanese Empire secretly attacked the United States Navy at the naval base of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. For over two hours, two waves consisting of over ...
  • Political Divergence: A Brief History of the North Carolina Farmers’ Alliance 

    Breshears, Patrick (2011)
    The Farmers’ Alliance entered a North Carolina that teemed with agrarian activity. It was not the driver of unity or administer of organization, for local Clubs had already organized before it ever appeared. The Progressive ...
  • US Dollar verse Chinese Yuan: A Global Currency Cat Fight 

    Leone, Mia Andriana (2015)
    The U.S dollar is an internationally recognized and well used form of currency. However, just because the US dollar has been this global monetary benchmark does not secure its position as the premier internationally ...