Now showing items 1-5 of 5

  • A Framework for Testing Scientific Software: A Case Study of Testing Amsterdam Discrete Dipole Approximation Software 

    Shao, Hongbing (East Carolina University, 2016-08-18)
    Software testing with scientific software systems often suffers from test oracle problem, i.e., lack of test oracles. Amsterdam discrete dipole approximation code (ADDA) is a scientific software system that can be used to ...
  • Automated classification of massive scale image data 

    Wang, Jiabin (East Carolina University, 2016-12-13)
    The diffraction image is a useful method to facilitate the representation of tiny entities such as the cell. It provides an efficient way to analyze the 3D morphological features of biological cells. However, the ...

    Anderson, James Carold (East Carolina University, 2012)
    Social networks supply a means by which people can communicate with each other while allowing for ease in initiating interaction and expressions. These systems of human collaboration may also be used to store and distribute ...
  • Modeling and Testing of Aspect-Oriented Systems 

    Jiang, Wenhuan (East Carolina University, 2011)
    Aspect-Oriented programming modularizes crosscutting concerns into Aspects, which are automatically weaved to the specified points of a program. Although Aspect-Oriented programming improves program maintainability and the ...
  • Self-Checked Metamorphic Testing of Monte Carlo Simulation 

    Wu, Tong (East Carolina University, 2011)
    Photon propagation in biological tissues can be modeled with Monte Carlo simulations numerically. However, testing a such program is difficult due to the unknown character of the test oracles. Although approaches based on ...