Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Effect of Normal and Fast Articulatory Rates on Stuttering Frequency 

    Kalinowski, Joseph Stanley; Armson, Joy; Stuart, Andrew (East Carolina University, 1995)
    The effect of speech rate on stuttering frequency was investigated with 20 stutterers. Subjects read two different 300 syllable passages at a normal and fast speech rate. Stuttering counts and articulatory rate was determined ...
  • Stereotypes of Stutterers and Nonstutterers in Three Rural Communities in Newfoundland 

    Stuart, Andrew; Doody, Irene; Kalinowski, Joseph Stanley; Armson, Joy (East Carolina University, 1993-12)
    The existence of a negative stereotype of stutterers among residents of three Small, rural communities in Newfoundland, Canada was investigated. Members of these communities (n=106) completed a 25 item semantic differential ...