Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • PqsE Functions Independently of PqsR-Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal and Enhances the rhl Quorum-Sensing System 

    Farrow, John M. III; Sund, Zoe M.; Ellison, Matthew L.; Wade, Dana S.; Coleman, James P.; Pesci, Everett C. (East Carolina University, 2008-11)
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that causes both acute and chronic infections in immunocompromised individuals. This gram-negative bacterium produces a battery of virulence factors that allow it to ...
  • The Transcriptional Regulator Np20 Is the Zinc Uptake Regulator in 

    Ellison, Matthew L.; Farrow, John M. III; Parrish, Whitney; Danell, Allison Stokes; Pesci, Everett C. (2013)
    Zinc is essential for all bacteria, but excess amounts of the metal can have toxic effects. To address this, bacteria have developed tightly regulated zinc uptake systems, such as the ZnuABC zinc transporter which is ...