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Comparing Fatigue in Adults Without Myocardial Infarction to Those Post Myocardial Infarction

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Guard, Kaitlin Gray

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East Carolina University


Fatigue is a common symptom experienced after a myocardial infarction (MI) with up to 70% of persons reporting fatigue that is different than fatigue prior to their MI. More importantly, fatigue has been associated with poor clinical outcomes. What is not understood is how fatigue after an MI differs from fatigue in those adults without heart disease. This cross sectional descriptive study addressed the following research questions: (1) What is the average fatigue scores of adults without heart disease residing in the community?; and (2) Is there a difference in fatigue in a community sample of adults without heart disease compared to an age matched sample who has experienced an MI in the last 3 to 7 years? A convenience sample of community dwelling adults (n = 40), ages 21 and older, who had no experienced an MI or heart surgery completed a demographic health form, and the Revised Piper Fatigue Scale (range 0-220). All data were obtained via interview and recorded on paper forms. Age matched controls were randomly selected from an established data base of adults who were 3 to 7 years post MI and who completed the Recurrence of Myocardial Infarction (ROMI) study. Data were entered into SPSS and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests. Community participant (n = 40) ages ranged from 21-83 with a mean age of 58.75. Most were women (60%) and White (70%). There was a significant difference between fatigue scores in the community sample (M = 42.8; SD = 48.5) and the ROMI sample (M = 99.6, SD = 50): t = 4.51(61); p < .001. Understanding how fatigue, the number one complaint in primary care, differs after MI compared to community-based samples is important in designing strategies to minimize fatigue and increase participation in physical activity levels to prevent heart disease.


