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  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding undergraduate students’ eHealth usage and views of the patient-provider relationship
    (2022-04-14) Reyes, Michelle Anne; Vance-Chalcraft, Heather D.
    eHealth has grown exponentially alongside technology and has become widely accessed by some populations, but little is documented about how undergraduate students use eHealth or perceive their eHealth literacy. As access to online information and non-traditional options for interacting with providers has increased, patient views of the provider-patient relationship may also be changing. This study evaluates how frequently undergraduates use eHealth, how they perceive their ability to use eHealth appropriately, and how they view their patient-provider relationships. A mixed methods approach was used to address the research questions, with quantitative data from a survey and qualitative data from follow-up interviews of twelve of the survey respondents. The survey was distributed to over 650 undergraduate students in introductory biology laboratory courses for students of all fields of interest at one university. Based on 527 survey responses and 12 interviews, students reported commonly using eHealth but being skeptical of telehealth appointments. Although students generally felt capable of finding and interpreting eHealth sources, they were not strongly confident in their ability to do so. Use of eHealth was not seen as altering the patient-provider relationship, but students expressed a desire for their physician to act more as a counselor or advisor than a guardian. Students from minority populations were more likely to use eHealth in comparison to their peers. In addition, student comfort with their provider differed by race and ethnicity, as well as whether they shared the same gender identity as their provider. This research highlights how undergraduate students, who are often making medical decisions for themselves for the first time as adults, access health information and view the patient-provider relationship differently than the traditional guardian or paternalistic model. In addition, having diverse, culturally competent medical providers are critical for students to develop the relationship with their provider that they desire.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Interclutch variability in egg characteristics in two species of rail: Is maternal identity encoded in eggshell patterns?
    (2022-01-13) McRae, Susan B.; Johnson, Emily W.
    Maternal signatures are present in the eggs of some birds, but quantifying interclutch variability within populations remains challenging. Maternal assignment of eggs with distinctive appearances could be used to non-invasively identify renesting females, including hens returning among years, as well as to identify cases of conspecific brood parasitism. We explored whether King Rail (Rallus elegans) eggs with shared maternity could be matched based on eggshell pattern. We used NaturePatternMatch (NPM) software to match egg images taken in the field in conjunction with spatial and temporal data on nests. Since we had only a small number of marked breeders, we analyzed similar clutch images from a study of Eurasian Common Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus chloropus) with color-banded breeders for which parentage at many nests had been verified genetically to validate the method. We ran 66 King Rail clutches (n = 338 eggs) and 58 Common Moorhen clutches (n = 364 eggs) through NPM. We performed non-metric multidimensional scaling and permutational analysis of variance using the best egg match output from NPM. We also explored whether eggs could be grouped by clutch using a combination of egg dimensions and pattern data derived from NPM using linear discriminant analyses. We then scrutinized specific matches returned by NPM for King Rail eggs to determine whether multiple matches between the same clutches might reveal maternity among nests and inform our understanding of female laying behavior. To do this, we ran separate NPM analyses for clutches photographed over several years from two spatially distant parts of the site. With these narrower datasets, we were able to identify four instances where hens likely returned to breed among years, four likely cases of conspecific brood parasitism, and a within-season re-nesting attempt. Thus, the matching output was helpful in identifying congruent egg patterns among clutches when used in conjunction with spatial and temporal data, revealing previously unrecognized site fidelity, within-season movements, and reproductive interference by breeding females. Egg pattern data in combination with nest mapping can be used to inform our understanding of female reproductive effort, success, and longevity in King Rails. These methods may also be applied to other secretive birds and species of conservation concern.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Association of race and health insurance in treatment disparities of colon cancer: A retrospective analysis utilizing a national population database in the United States
    (2021-10-25) Hao, Scarlett; Snyder, Rebecca A.; Irish, William; Parikh, Alexander A.
    Background Both health insurance status and race independently impact colon cancer (CC) care delivery and outcomes. The relative importance of these factors in explaining racial and insurance disparities is less clear, however. This study aimed to determine the association and interaction of race and insurance with CC treatment disparities. Study setting Retrospective cohort review of a prospective hospital-based database. Methods and findings In this cross-sectional study, patients diagnosed with stage I to III CC in the United States were identified from the National Cancer Database (NCDB; 2006 to 2016). Multivariable regression with generalized estimating equations (GEEs) were performed to evaluate the association of insurance and race/ethnicity with odds of receipt of surgery (stage I to III) and adjuvant chemotherapy (stage III), with an additional 2-way interaction term to evaluate for effect modification. Confounders included sex, age, median income, rurality, comorbidity, and nodes and margin status for the model for chemotherapy. Of 353,998 patients included, 73.8% (n = 261,349) were non-Hispanic White (NHW) and 11.7% (n = 41,511) were non-Hispanic Black (NHB). NHB patients were less likely to undergo resection [odds ratio (OR) 0.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.61 to 0.72, p < 0.001] or to receive adjuvant chemotherapy [OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.87, p < 0.001] compared to NHW patients. NHB patients with private or Medicare insurance were less likely to undergo resection [OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.63 to 0.91, p = 0.004 (private insurance); OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.66, p < 0.001 (Medicare)] and to receive adjuvant chemotherapy [0.77, 95% CI 0.68 to 0.87, p < 0.001 (private insurance); OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.80 to 0.91, p < 0.001 (Medicare)] compared to similarly insured NHW patients. Although Hispanic patients with private and Medicare insurance were also less likely to undergo surgical resection, this was not the case with adjuvant chemotherapy. This study is mainly limited by the retrospective nature and by the variables provided in the dataset; granular details such as continuity or disruption of insurance coverage or specific chemotherapy agents or dosing cannot be assessed within NCDB. Conclusions This study suggests that racial disparities in receipt of treatment for CC persist even among patients with similar health insurance coverage and that different disparities exist for different racial/ethnic groups. Changes in health policy must therefore recognize that provision of insurance alone may not eliminate cancer treatment racial disparities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    DNA methylation analyses identify an intronic ZDHHC6 locus associated with time to recurrent stroke in the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention (VISP) clinical trial
    (2021-07-12) Davis Armstrong, Nicole M.; Chen, Wei-Min; Hsu, Fang-Chi; Brewer, Michael S.; Cullell, Natalia; Fernández-Cadenas, Israel; Williams, Stephen R.; Sale, Michèle M.; Worrall, Bradford B.; Keene, Keith L.
    Aberrant DNA methylation profiles have been implicated in numerous cardiovascular diseases; however, few studies have investigated how these epigenetic modifications contribute to stroke recurrence. The aim of this study was to identify methylation loci associated with the time to recurrent cerebro- and cardiovascular events in individuals of European and African descent. DNA methylation profiles were generated for 180 individuals from the Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention clinical trial using Illumina HumanMethylation 450K BeadChip microarrays, resulting in beta values for 470,871 autosomal CpG sites. Ethnicity-stratified survival analyses were performed using Cox Proportional Hazards regression models for associations between each methylation locus and the time to recurrent stroke or composite vascular event. Results were validated in the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital cohort from Barcelona, Spain. Network analyses of the methylation loci were generated using weighted gene coexpression network analysis. Primary analysis identified four significant loci, cg04059318, ch.2.81927627R, cg03584380, and cg24875416, associated with time to recurrent stroke. Secondary analysis identified three loci, cg00076998, cg16758041, and cg02365967, associated with time to composite vascular endpoint. Locus cg03584380, which is located in an intron of ZDHHC6, was replicated in the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital cohort. The results from this study implicate the degree of methylation at cg03584380 is associated with the time of recurrence for stroke or composite vascular events across two ethnically diverse groups. Furthermore, modules of loci were associated with clinical traits and blood biomarkers including previous number of strokes, prothrombin fragments 1 + 2, thrombomodulin, thrombin-antithrombin complex, triglyceride levels, and tissue plasminogen activator. Ultimately, these loci could serve as potential epigenetic biomarkers that could identify at-risk individuals in recurrence-prone populations.