Evaluating Access to Oral Healthcare in Pregnant Patients
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Sheaffer, Lucy Anna Grace
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Pregnancy is a critical stage of life that requires additional care and monitoring but is often overlooked in healthcare. Monitoring for a safe and healthy pregnancy begins before conception and ends following birth to facilitate positive outcomes for both the mother and infant. Ob-gyn screening most directly monitors the pregnancy, however oral health and routine dental care is no less important during this time. Lack of access to health care can prevent many women, pregnant or not, from receiving dental care. Oral health plays a crucial role in overall health in the human body. Comprehensive oral care seeks to not only resolve existing issues such as dental cavities, infections, or inflammation (such as gingivitis or periodontitis), but also prevent those same issues from occurring. Dental cavities, infections, and inflammation are all linked to increase risk of systemic diseases (such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and stroke). The goal of this study is to identify: 1-the number of pregnant women receiving dental treatment (ECU-SODM clinic) and 2- barriers and facilitators in receiving dental treatment.