The Impacts of Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and Web 4.0 Technologies Used in Distance Education
Kimbrell, Julia
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East Carolina University
Many factors influence distance education teaching and learning experiences. This study was explored using two experiments. The first experiment examined tools of Web 2.0 technology (blogs, wikis, and podcasts), Web 3.0 technology (virtual reality), and course framework (course design, technical problems, instructor feedback, peer collaboration, and student needs). Technical problems overwhelmingly contributed the most to a negative learning experience. Results identified factors that impacted positive and negative learning experiences for distance education students. However, technical problems overwhelmingly contributed the most to a negative learning experience. The second experiment examined tools of Web technologies (Web 2.0 and Web 3.0) and instructor planning (course preparation and instructor feedback). The results identified factors that impacted positive and negative teaching experiences for distance education instructors. Inadequate training contributed the most to a negative learning experience. The future of Web technologies in distance education will one day become Web 4.0. Data suggest that developments are progressing towards 3-D printers, 3-D holographs, and the ability to control a computer with ones' thoughts.