Microarray and pathway analysis reveals decreased CDC25A and increased CDC42 associated with slow growth of BCL2 overexpressing immortalized breast cell line
Long, Jacquelyn M.
Bell, Charles W.
Fagg, W. Samuel IV
Kushman, Mary E.
Becker, Kevin G.
McCubrey, James A.
Farwell, Mary A.
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East Carolina University
Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptotic protein that is frequently overex-pressed in cancer cells but its role in
carcinogenesis is not clear. We are interested in how Bcl-2 expression affects non-cancerous breast
cells and its role in the cell cycle. We prepared an MCF10A breast epithelial cell line that stably
overexpressed Bcl-2. We analyzed the cells by flow cytometry after synchronization, and used cDNA
microarrays with quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRTPCR) to determine differences in gene
expression. The microarray data was subjected to two pathway analysis tools, parametric analysis of
gene set enrichment (PAGE) and ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA), and western analysis was carried
out to determine the correlation between mRNA and protein levels. The MCF10A/Bcl-2 cells
exhibited a slow-growth phenotype compared to control MCF10A/Neo cells that we attributed to a
slowing of the G1-S cell cycle transition. A total of 363 genes were differentially expressed by at
least two-fold, 307 upregulated and 56 downregulated. PAGE identified 22 significantly changed
gene sets. The highest ranked network of genes identified by IPA contained 24 genes. Genes that
were chosen for further analysis were confirmed by qRT-PCR, however, the western analysis did
not always confirm differential expression of the proteins. Downregulation of the phosphatase
CDC25A could solely be responsible for the slow growth pheno-type in MCF10A/Bcl-2 cells.
Increased levels of GTPase Cdc42 could be adding to this effect. PAGE and IPA are valuable tools
for microarray analysis, but protein expression results do not always follow mRNA expression
results. Originally published Cell Cycle, Vol. 7, No. 19, Oct. 2008
Cell Cycle; 7:19 p. 3062-3073