The Electronic Resources Librarian in the Health Sciences Library: An Emerging Role

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Greenstein, Patricia
Coghill, Jeffrey
Simpson, Susan

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East Carolina University


ABSTRACT. This article will address the evolution of collection development in the age of e-resources. According to results from a survey conducted by the authors, there are some emerging "best practices" for librarians responsible for e-resources in academic health sciences libraries. This paper will present a model for managing e-resources using East Carolina University Laupus Library's Collection Development/Electronic Resources Librarian position. A brief online survey was sent to library directors via the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) discussion list. It was designed to gather information concerning E-Resources Librarians and how e-resources are handled in this group of libraries. The article will present what has worked for Laupus Library in relation to the responses from the AAHSL survey. The E-Resources Librarian is still closely tied to the technical services functions within the library. However, there are a number of attributes of the E-Resources Librarian position that are similar to Information Service (Reference) and Public Service Librarians. It has also been found that the E-Resources Librarian must work closely with the library's Systems Department as well as the Information Services Department (IS) while keeping close ties with Technical Services.



