Concerns toward hiring individuals with substance use disorders as compared to mental health disorders.
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Wright McDougal, Jennifer J.
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East Carolina University
Individuals with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) and Mental Health Disorders (MHDs) are among the highest stigmatized group for people with disabilities. Stigma associated with SUDs and MHDs influences disparate rates of employment for individuals with these conditions. As a result, unemployment rates for people with SUDs and MHDs are higher than any other disability group. Previous research has indicated that stigma is greater for people with SUDs than those with MHDs, resulting in higher unemployment rates for those with SUDs. Research has not addressed employer related stigma related to hiring individuals with SUDs as compared to MHDs. Further, research has not identified specific concerns employers have regarding individuals with these conditions. The investigator sought to bridge this gap by identifying specific concerns regarding hiring individuals with SUDs as compared to MHDs. The population sampled was 108 Human Resources Managers (HRMs) throughout the Southeastern region of the United States. Participants included users of human resource message boards and board members associated with the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). A literature review produced six research questions relevant to this study. The first research question investigated concerns human resource managers had toward hiring individuals with SUDs and MHDs. The second research question investigated potential relationships between demographic variables (gender, age, education level, licensure status, years of human resources experience, years of work experience, industry, and size of company), and concern ratings. . Using random assignment of a case vignette, the third research question investigated differences in concerns based on total concern ratings toward considering hiring people with SUDs compared to MHDs, using the Employer Attitudes Questionnaire. The fourth research question investigated differences in concern ratings using the Employer Attitudes Questionnaire for each of the subscales between SUD and MHD randomized vignettes. The fifth and sixth research questions investigated the relationship between concerns and willingness to consider hiring for both SUD and MHD groups. Through the use of descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis, the current research identified specific concerns toward hiring individuals with SUD and MHDs, identified the relationship between total concern ratings and a willingness to consider hiring individuals with SUDs and MHDs, and identified differences in concerns between hiring people with SUDs and MHDs. Through the lens of the Stigma Model (Link & Phelan, 2001), the research established evidence regarding stigmatizing beliefs among HRMs toward individuals with SUDs and MHDs, as well as differences in beliefs towards these two groups. This research demonstrated to counselors, educators, and researchers the impact of stigmatizing beliefs in the decision to consider hiring individuals with SUDs and MHDs.