Cell-Specific “Competition for Calories” Drives Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning, Obesity, and Metabolic Diseases in Human and Non-human Animals
Archer, Edward
Pavela, Gregory
McDonald, Samantha
Lavie, Carl J.
Hill, James O.
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The mammalian body is a complex physiologic “ecosystem” in which cells compete
for calories (i.e., nutrient-energy). Axiomatically, cell-types with competitive advantages
acquire a greater number of consumed calories, and when possible, increase in
size and/or number. Thus, it is logical and parsimonious to posit that obesity is the
competitive advantages of fat-cells (adipocytes) driving a disproportionate acquisition
and storage of nutrient-energy. Accordingly, we introduce two conceptual frameworks.
Asymmetric Nutrient-Energy Partitioning describes the context-dependent, cell-specific
competition for calories that determines the partitioning of nutrient-energy to oxidation,
anabolism, and/or storage; and Effective Caloric Intake which describes the number
of calories available to constrain energy-intake via the inhibition of the sensorimotor
appetitive cells in the liver and brain that govern ingestive behaviors. Inherent in
these frameworks is the independence and dissociation of the energetic demands
of metabolism and the neuro-muscular pathways that initiate ingestive behaviors and
energy intake. As we demonstrate, if the sensorimotor cells suffer relative caloric
deprivation via asymmetric competition from other cell-types (e.g., skeletal muscle- or
fat-cells), energy-intake is increased to compensate for both real and merely apparent
deficits in energy-homeostasis (i.e., true and false signals, respectively). Thus, we
posit that the chronic positive energy balance (i.e., over-nutrition) that leads to obesity
and metabolic diseases is engendered by apparent deficits (i.e., false signals) driven
by the asymmetric inter-cellular competition for calories and concomitant differential
partitioning of nutrient-energy to storage. These frameworks, in concert with our
previous theoretic work, the Maternal Resources Hypothesis, provide a parsimonious
and rigorous explanation for the rapid rise in the global prevalence of increased body
and fat mass, and associated metabolic dysfunctions in humans and other mammals
inclusive of companion, domesticated, laboratory, and feral animals.