Early Check: Pathways of Awareness
Jessup, Joy
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The Early Check study offers free expanded newborn screening for Fragile X syndrome and
spinal muscular atrophy to all pregnant women in North Carolina that sign up between 13 weeks
gestation and four weeks postpartum. Disseminating information to the public about the Early
Check program is imperative to its success in identifying affected children and connecting them
with the resources needed for early intervention. This project was undertaken with the goal of
increasing the knowledge of OB/GYN providers and their ancillary staff regarding Early Check
to enable them to answer patient questions about the program. OB/GYN practices in nine
counties of North Carolina were contacted via phone and email for participation in brief
education sessions about Early Check. Of 42 practices contacted, ten responses were received
with seven practices participating in education sessions and eight practices agreeing to
disseminate flyers to their patients. Outreach to OB/GYN practices was minimally successful,
but the effects of collaboration with the small number of participants were significant. This
intervention alone has the potential to reach more than 8,000 women each year. Collaborating
with OB/GYN practices shows promise for current and future health initiative information
dissemination targeted to pregnant and newly postpartum women.
Jessup, J.L. (2020, April 24). Early Check: Pathways of Awareness. The ScholarShip. https://thescholarship.ecu.edu/handle/